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Photo by Lou Lé, 2022

Kindness Farm

I believe that all people deserve access to fresh, healthy food.


I am passionate about growing and sharing food in ways that Nourish communities

and restore ecosystems.



I have been working with plants in various capacities since 2009.  


I grew up surrounded by my mom’s gardens, and experienced plant spirit medicine in the womb.  My first home was the Amazon Botanical Gardens, an ecological retreat that my parents built, deep in the heart of the Peruvian jungle.  Surrounded by lush vegetation and the vibrant hum of one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, my connection to the rainforest instilled in me a strong drive to understand and preserve the interconnected webs of life that sustain us all.


I discovered herbalism and organic farming when I was 19, and became enamored with the principles of permaculture and regenerative design.  My parents both grew up experiencing food scarcity, which had a profound impact on how we ate when I was growing up.  Learning how to eat well was imperative, and farming became a passion.  I've made it my mission to learn how to eat and garden in a way that nourishes me, my community, and the earth as a whole. 


My most recent work has centered regenerative farming practices to feed marginalized and houseless community members, as well as educational outreach to support immigrant and refugee farmers as they adapt their practices to the Pacific Northwest climate.  In 2022, I taught a series of Introduction to Regenerative Gardening classes through a partnership between Portland Community Gardens, Outgrowing Hunger, and Kindness Farm. My studies of regenerative agriculture, community building, and all things plant-related continue.


My horticultural work experience includes:


2009 - 2010 - Essential Elements Apothecary - Herbalism Intern, Shop Attendant

2009 - 2012 - World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) - Volunteer - Farmer

2014 - A.J. Rahn Greenhouses - Employee - Plant Care, Customer Service

2014 - 2015 - Flourish Sustainable Landscape & Interior Design - Employee - Design Assistant, Project Manager

2016 - Keystone Flora Native Plant Nursery - Employee - Plant Care, Grounds Management

2017 - Willowbrook Community Garden - Volunteer - Plant Care, Grounds Management

2018 - All in Common Community Garden - Volunteer - Plant Care, Grounds Management

2021 - 2022 - Kindness Farm - Lead Volunteer, Board Member, and Educator - Kindness Farm uses regenerative practices to grow produce for our local houseless and low-income communities.  To learn more about the farm, make a donation, or sign up to volunteer, please visit:

2023 - Granja Luz del Corazon, Rancho Margo

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